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Sunday, August 8, 2010

Continued HOH comp.

What is in pandora's box? We will find out later on. Now who lets see who will be the MOST POWERFUL HOH COMP. in big brother. Kathy made a deal with the house guests that she will be the have not. Enzo fell off then can. Brandon is strugling. Brandon fell off. Hayden fell. Now it is Matt and Reagan. Matt won HOH this time! AGAIN!!! OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Last time Matt was HOH, he was MAD!!!! His plan blew up in his face!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Matt entered the HOH room. It is pandora's box! Well, he opened pandora's box and got the fancy POV. Matt told a lie that he got money from pandora's box. Reagan was called in the diary room to tell him that America voted for Reagan to be the Sabpetor. He said and in exact words," Ok. America I will be your new Sabpetor". Now he will stir things in the house. There was an arugement between Reagan and Rachel. Sabpetor Alert! Everyone is blaming Matt for opening pandora's box. Everyone thinks when Matt opened pandora's box. It let out the Sabpetor. It is funny! It wasn't Matt that caused the Sabpetor to come back but it was Reagan! OMG!!! If Reagan doesn't blow this, he will win $20,000! OMG! That is a lot of money! Not as much as $1,000,000. Nomination meeting is here. The nominee's are . . . Rachel and Brandon. Now Rachel is crying. Toon in Wednesday to see Jeff and Jordan come back in the house. Then on Thursday, who will leave the big brother house. Bye!

Thursday, August 5, 2010


Last episode Brittney won the POV and didn't use the POV. Kristen has to wear a hippy tard outfit. BUSTED! Brittney was making fun of Rachel but Rachel didn't realsise that Brittney was making fun of her. ANOTHER BUST! Kristin thinks that there is a secret alience between Matt, Hayden, Lane, and Enzo. Shocked about Kristen, you don't know the full story. Kristen likes Hayden, but Kristen has a boyfriend! Well not anymore! Voting time!

Enzo: Kristen Kathy: Hayden Matt: Kristen Lane: Kristen Regan: Kristen Brandon: Kristen Brittney: Kristen Kristen is leaving the Big Brother house.

This HOH compitition might the MOST POWERFUL HOH comp EVER! Who is the new Sapetor? Reagan is the Sapetor! The comp is called true colors. Who ever is the last one standing on a giant spinning paint can will be the new HOH. Who ever is the first one off the can will be the only have not. Toon in Sunday to see who wins the most important HOH comp. On Wendesday it will be important because last seasons favorite couple is coming. Yes Jeff and Jordan! Be perpared! Don't miss out on Wednesday! Cya!

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Sorry about that. Nomination Day is here.

I missed the last episode but all I know is that Andrew is out of the house and Rachel is HOH. Things got ugly with Kristen and Rachel. Ugly fights call for ugly times. Rachel asked if anyone wanted to see her HOH room, and everybody wanted to leave badly. Kristen never came to see the HOH room. Rachel comes in the and apoligized and Kristen didn't accept her agolige. DRAMA! The competition today is to go through obsticals with two people are behind you and wh ever was the fastest team that finished got to see the movie the, "Other Guys". Well Hayden, Brandon, and Enzo get to see the movie. Man they went crazy! Brittney and Rachel spend time together talking. Kristen comes up to talk and plays the emotional card and now Rachel is confused. For nominations is Hayden and Kristen.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

POV competition!

Matt might be busted again! Since Rachel and Brandon are not on the block, Matt is gonna probly back door either Rachel or Brandon. Rachel is putting peachs in the have not's tea! Now Andrew is mad at her. Now Matt wants to backdoor Rachel or Brandon so one of them might go home. The people have a house keeper, Andrew. Rachel and Brandon get picked on teams. Now the back door plan has back fired! OMG!!!!!! Matt is hating himself! Will this plan ever work . . . well lets see? OMG, Enzo is dressed up funny! People will count objects and who ever gets the closest to the amount and continue. There are 405 fortune cookies. There are 249 candles. Andrew is in the lead. The are 15 feet in the snake. Brandon got one point. There are 272 cards in that pile. There are 278 ounces in the magic potion. There are 140 eye balls! Congraulations Brandon, you have won the POV! That might mean that the nominee's might be the same. Matt's plan has gone tumbling down! Time for the Veto Meeting. The nominee's are . . . the same. Andrew said that he was going after Brandon and Rachel. Everyone was like, what just happened? Then Andrew said give me the Veto or I am going after you and I am SHOCKED!!!! OMG!!!! You crazy?!?! Find out tomorrow to see who gets nominated and the new HOH. Toon in tomorrow! Cya!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

New HOH in the house!

The HOH competition is still going. It has been 11 minutes so far and nobody has fallin'. So far Kathy, Kristen, Brittney, Hayden, and Lane fell of the board but they have's for the week.It has been 36 minutes in the game and nobody has fallin off. It has been 42 minutes and Enzo has fallin off. It has been 51 minutes and Brandon is slipping a bit and Brandon is . . . OFF THE BOARD! One hour and Andrew is off the board. Secret talk with Matt and Reagan. Two hour and Regan is done! Matt is the new HOH. Lets see what Matt's next sneaky trick that he has up his sleve. Matt came up with a fake disease and told his wife has the diease. Rumors are going around about Kristen and Hayden. Lane and Brittney are making fun of Rachel and Brandon. America picked what the have nots and it is Baby Food and Bok Choy. Matt was thinking about putting Andrew on the chopping block. The top two targets are Rachel and Brandon.
The two nominee's are . . .

Kathy and Andrew! toon in next week to see who wins POV!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Who leaves and who the the new HOH?

Sad days come in the house for Brittney and Monet. Drama is in the house! Rachel was lying about Kristen will save Monet. Rachel says that Monet needs to rethink her game. Now Monet has her back on the wall with a pawn on the chopping block (nominee's seats). There is a house meeting and Matt was acting like he was mad at Rachel for putting him up. The pawn plan is crashing down. This week they leared that last weeks nominee was voted out but Annie (voted out nominee) was the Sapatoer. Now it is time to see who will be voted out of the Big Brother house.
Monet or Matt
Andrew: Monet Enzo: Monet Brittney: Matt Kathy: Matt Hayden: Monet Kristen: Monet Reagan: Monet Brandon: Monet Lane: Monet Monet has left the house

HOH competition is called, "Hang Ten" but the first 5 and former HOH will be the haves for the week. They are getting poored with water on there body! Toon in next week to see who wins HOH on Sunday!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Veto on Big Brother!

The veto compition is the people are in a stock and the are in that stock for one hour. They are not timed. They have to hold the brifcase and when they drop the brifcase time is up. They also got wacked with plastic dollar bills. Brittney the chaty kathy won. Rachel and Brandon have huge targets already. Now Brittney is trying to convide to keep Monet now and put someone like Andrew to get out of the house. Then next week they get revenge. My plan would be a could person up then everyone votes for Monet because the good people arn't suppose to go home, they stay. So they will have to vote for Monet. Matt is the pawn to get Monet out. Then Rachel and Bradon got in a fight, now Rachel is crying in bed. The two nominee's are . . . Matt and Monet. Toon in tomorrow to see who is the new HOH is and who get nominated. See ya!