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Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Veto on Big Brother!

The veto compition is the people are in a stock and the are in that stock for one hour. They are not timed. They have to hold the brifcase and when they drop the brifcase time is up. They also got wacked with plastic dollar bills. Brittney the chaty kathy won. Rachel and Brandon have huge targets already. Now Brittney is trying to convide to keep Monet now and put someone like Andrew to get out of the house. Then next week they get revenge. My plan would be a could person up then everyone votes for Monet because the good people arn't suppose to go home, they stay. So they will have to vote for Monet. Matt is the pawn to get Monet out. Then Rachel and Bradon got in a fight, now Rachel is crying in bed. The two nominee's are . . . Matt and Monet. Toon in tomorrow to see who is the new HOH is and who get nominated. See ya!

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