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Sunday, July 18, 2010

Big Brother on CBS

If you have watched Big Brother on CBS, there are people that live in a house for the summer learning to bond, meet there enemies, and make it to the end of the game. There are three girls named Rachel, Britteny, and Monet. Monet and Brittney and chatty Kathies! They are playing a game where three people were taped to a wall and spalshed with water. Four people had to be the have nots for the week. When they opened the door the have not got fish sticks with fruit cake on top of the fish sticks. What is up with people lying then probly backstabbing people in the future. Last episode Rachel won HOH ( Head of Household )now she is in the postion of power. Rachel is with an alience with her friend Brandon. Rachel is looking for two nominee's. There is a few people she wants to knock out of the game, but she needs to pick two nominee's. There is Matt, Brittney, Monet, and Andrew Rachel thinks is her nominee's. The nominee's are . . . Brittney and Monet. Now how who will win the power of veto. Find out Wendnesday!

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